12 Tricks to Increase Google Reviews in 2023

So, how to increase Google reviews?

To fully comprehend the advantages of enhancing our Google reviews, it’s important to first understand why it’s essential to increase them. Therefore, before delving into strategies to increase Google reviews, let’s take a look at the benefits that come with improving them.

The benefits of increasing your Google Reviews

Increase Google Reviews

Increasing Google reviews can have numerous benefits for businesses. Firstly, it can enhance their online reputation and credibility, making them more attractive to potential customers. Positive reviews can also improve search engine rankings, as Google sees them as an indication of trust and relevance.

Moreover, higher review volumes can lead to increased visibility, as more reviews generate more user-generated content, which can improve organic search rankings.

Additionally, customer reviews can provide valuable feedback to businesses, helping them identify areas for improvement and tailor their services to meet customer needs. Overall, increasing Google reviews can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to grow their online presence and attract new customers.

Some of the benefits of increasing your Google reviews:

  1. Improved visibility: Google reviews can help improve your business’s visibility in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find your website. Google often shows businesses with high ratings and more reviews first, making it a great way to boost your online presence.

  2. Increased trust and credibility: Positive reviews can help establish trust and credibility with potential customers, as they provide social proof that your business is reputable and reliable.

  3. Increased click-through rates: Positive Google reviews can increase click-through rates to your website. When potential customers see high ratings and positive reviews, they are more likely to click through to your website, increasing the chances of conversion.

  4. Higher conversion rates: Positive reviews can increase the likelihood of website visitors converting into customers. When potential customers see positive reviews, it helps establish trust and credibility, which can lead to increased conversion rates.

  5. Increased engagement: Google reviews can increase user engagement on your website. Customers who leave reviews are more likely to visit your website again and engage with your brand.

  6. Customer feedback: Reviews provide valuable feedback on your business’s products or services, helping you identify areas of improvement and address customer concerns.

  7. Competitive advantage: Having more positive reviews than your competitors can give you a competitive advantage and help you stand out in a crowded market.

  8. Social signals: Google considers social signals, including reviews, when ranking websites in search results. Positive reviews and high ratings can send a strong signal to Google that your website is relevant and authoritative in your industry.

  9. Setup Google My Business: Setting up a Google My Business account is a crucial step for any business looking to increase its Google reviews. By taking the time to set up and optimize your Google My Business page, you can boost your online presence and increase your chances of attracting new customers.
  10. Optimize your Google My Business listing: Optimizing your Google My Business listing is an effective way to increase your Google reviews.

Overall, increasing your Google reviews can significantly impact website SEO and ranking. In addition, encouraging customers to leave reviews and providing excellent customer service can help improve your online reputation, increase visibility, and ultimately drive more traffic and revenue to your website.


How to get more reviews

But how to get more reviews?

Let’s discuss this in the following article.

1. Make Sure You Have a Google My Business Account

You first need to ensure you have a valid Google My Business (GMB) page setup for your business. GMB is an essential marketing tool for any company. With Google My Business, you can set up your business profile, so clients can call you, make reservations, find your address, and, most important – leave Google reviews. In addition, business Profiles appear in Google Maps and the local results of Google Search.

To create a Google My Business account, you need to provide some basic information about your business, such as:

  1. Business name: The name of your business as you want it to appear in Google Maps and other Google products.

  2. Business category: The category or categories that best describe your business.

  3. Business address: Your physical address, where customers can visit your business.

  4. Service area: The geographic area where you offer your services.

  5. Business phone number: A phone number that customers can use to contact your business.

  6. Business website: Your business’s website URL.

  7. Business hours: The hours during which your business is open.

Your listing will still show up if it doesn’t contain all these items. However, if you have a fully optimized listing, this will increase your ranking abilities. Check our optimization guide.

Please see our guide to learn how to setup your Google My Business page for the first time.

2. Ask Your Customers for Reviews

Asking for reviews is one of the most straightforward and effective ways to receive a Google review from satisfied customers.

You can simply ask your customers in person or over the phone to leave a review for your business.

It is a good practice to train your staff to request all customers to leave a rating for your business on your Google reviews page, which can help generate more reviews.

It’s that easy!

Asking for reviews may seem uncomfortable at first, but it’s important to remember that most people enjoy sharing their opinions, and they may not be aware that they have the opportunity to do so.

The importance of asking customers for reviews

You are probably already familiar with the influence of Google customer reviews, based on your own shopping experiences. When considering a purchase, you may have checked reviews to compare products or services and followed through only after reading positive Google reviews from other customers.


This highlights the significance of reviews as 84% of consumers trust online reviews, and the opinions of others can heavily influence their decision-making.

Your next question might be: How to ask customers for reviews?

To help, we’ve compiled a list of 12 actionable ways to ask for Google reviews. Follow this link. 

3. Make it Easy to Leave a Review

Customers are more likely to leave a review if it’s easy and convenient for them to do so.

Nonetheless, many people are busy and leaving a review can be time-consuming. You can make it easier for your customers by creating a simple template that they can quickly fill out, which can help streamline the process.

Here are some tips for building an effective review request:

  1. Personalize your request: Use the customer’s name, and be specific about their experience with your business.

  2. Keep it brief: Make your request short and to the point. Customers are more likely to leave a review if the request is not too long.

  3. Be timely: Ask for a review soon after the customer has had an experience with your business, while it is still fresh in their mind.

  4. Provide a link: Make it easy for customers to leave a review by providing a direct link to your Google My Business page or the platform where you want them to leave a review.

  5. Use a clear call-to-action: Encourage customers to leave a review by using a clear call-to-action, such as “We would really appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review for us.”

  6. Show gratitude: After a customer leaves a review, make sure to thank them. It’s important to show your customers that you appreciate their feedback and value their opinion.

You can experiment with various email and message templates to identify the most effective ones for your business. One way to do this is by using a template creator available on platforms like Amazeful. It is a review automation platform that enables you to customize your message and email review requests to match your brand’s style and voice. With Amazeful, you can tailor your invitations to suit your preferences and branding.

Amazeful has a variety of features that can boost your Google reviews and online reputation. Check this article to know how can Amazeful help you get more reviews. 

4. Automate the Google Reviews Follow Ups

Automating Google reviews follow-ups can be a time-saving and effective way to engage with customers and encourage them to leave feedback. Here are some steps you can take to automate the process:

  1. Set up an automated email campaign: Use an email marketing tool to set up a series of automated emails to follow up with customers who have made a purchase or used your services. Include a link to your Google My Business page and encourage customers to leave a review.

  2. Use a chatbot: You can also use a chatbot on your website or social media platforms to ask customers if they would like to leave a review. The chatbot can provide a direct link to your Google My Business page and make the process easy for customers.

  3. Use a review management tool: Amazeful is a review management tool available to help you automate the process of following up with customers and managing your online reputation. Amazeful can help you track your reviews, respond to feedback, and automate review requests.

By automating your Google reviews follow-ups, you can save time and improve your online reputation. Remember to be responsive to customer feedback and use it to improve your business.

5. Address Negative Reviews ASAP

Addressing negative reviews is an important part of reputation management. Responding to negative reviews shows that you care about your customers and are willing to address any issues they may have had.


In short, YES, you absolutely should address them.

Do not let a bad review linger on your Google My Business profile for everyone to see.

The standard way.

It is hard not to get emotional when you receive a negative review.

  1. Respond promptly: Respond to negative reviews as soon as possible, preferably within 24-48 hours. This shows that you are attentive to your customers and value their feedback.

  2. Stay calm and professional: When responding to negative reviews, it’s important to remain calm and professional. Avoid getting defensive or angry, as this can escalate the situation.

  3. Acknowledge the issue: Start your response by acknowledging the issue the customer has raised. Let them know that you take their feedback seriously and that you are sorry for any inconvenience they may have experienced.

  4. Offer a solution: After acknowledging the issue, offer a solution to the customer’s problem. This could be a refund, a discount, or any other action that would help to resolve the issue.

  5. Follow up: After offering a solution, be sure to follow up with the customer to make sure they are satisfied with the outcome. This can go a long way in restoring the customer’s trust and confidence in your business.

Negative reviews can actually be an opportunity to show your commitment to customer satisfaction. By responding promptly, remaining calm and professional, and offering a solution, you can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Remember, the client can change the rating of a review if his issue has been solved. We have seen our clients turn a 1-star review into a 5-star review just by keeping their cool and making things right.

The Amazeful way.

When it comes to responding to negative reviews, it can be difficult to remain objective and unemotional. However, using a platform like Amazeful can help to take the emotional factor out of the equation.

With Amazeful, you can create 5-6 templates for negative review replies, so you have pre-written responses that can be easily customized for specific situations. You can then turn on the auto-reply feature, which will automatically select the most appropriate response for the review in question.

Once the auto-reply is sent, you will receive an email notification with the review and the reply that was sent. This can help you stay up-to-date with your reviews and ensure that each negative review is addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.

By automating the review response process, you can save time and reduce the stress of having to respond to negative reviews on your own. Additionally, having pre-written templates for responses can help ensure that your replies are professional, objective, and consistent across all reviews.

6. Use QR Codes to Boost Google Reviews

QR codes can be a powerful tool to boost Google reviews for your business. Here are the steps you can take to use QR codes to encourage customers to leave reviews:

The easiest option is not always the best as using free QR code generators has a few drawbacks.

  1. Google My Business: Create a Google My Business account if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Generate a QR code: Use a free online QR code generator to create a QR code that links directly to your Google My Business page. You can also use a URL shortener to make the URL link code shorter and more user-friendly.
  3. Print the QR code: Print the QR code on your business cards, brochures, flyers, and any other marketing materials that you distribute to customers.
  4. Display the QR code: Display the QR code in a prominent location in your store or office. You can also add it to your website or email signature.

  5. Encourage customers to leave a review: Train your staff to ask customers to leave a review by scanning the QR code. You can also include a call-to-action on your marketing materials, such as “Scan this code to leave a review and let us know how we’re doing!”

  6. Respond to reviews: When customers leave reviews, make sure to respond to them promptly and thank them for their feedback. This shows that you value their opinion and can help encourage more reviews in the future.


While free QR code generators can be a convenient and cost-effective way to create QR codes, they also have some potential disadvantages:

  1. Limited functionality: Free QR code generators may have limited features compared to paid options. This could include restrictions on the number of QR codes you can create or a lack of customization options.

  2. Watermark or branding: Some free QR code generators may include watermarks or branding on the generated QR code, which can make your marketing materials look unprofessional.

  3. Security risks: Free QR code generators may not have the same level of security measures as paid options, which could potentially put your business and customers at risk of data breaches.

  4. Lack of customer support: Free QR code generators may not offer customer support or have limited support options, which can be frustrating if you encounter any issues or have questions.

  5. No tracking or analytics: Free QR code generators do not provide a tracking option, which means you cannot track the performance of your QR code and determine if anyone has scanned it. As a result, you may not have any insights into whether your QR code strategy is effective or not.

  6. Inability to update the link: If you need to change or update the review link, you will often have to generate a new QR code. This can be problematic if you have already distributed the original QR code on all of your marketing materials.

It’s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of using a free QR code generator and consider your business needs before deciding whether to use one or opt for an alternative solution.

Alternatives to free QR code generators with tracking and analytics for boosting your Google Reviews

If you’re looking for an alternative to free QR code generators that offers tracking and analytics, here are some options to consider:

  1. Marketing & Reputation Management Platforms: Some reputation management platforms like Amazeful offer advanced QR code features like customization, tracking, and analytics. These platforms offer more than just QR code generation, and can be used for other marketing purposes such as SMS and email marketing.
  2. QR Code Management Platforms: There are several QR code management platforms available that offer advanced features, including analytics, tracking, and customization. These platforms typically require a subscription fee but offer more features and security.

By using these alternative solutions, you can generate QR codes with advanced features and tracking capabilities, giving you insights into the performance of your Google Reviews campaigns. It’s important to consider your business needs and budget before choosing a solution that works best for you.

7. Link Out to Your Google Reviews Page From Your Website

Linking your Google Reviews page to your website is a simple process that can encourage customers to leave reviews and help improve your online reputation.

First, navigate to your Google My Business page and copy the URL for your Reviews section. Then, open the HTML code of your website and insert an anchor text link in a prominent location, such as the header or footer. The anchor text should be something like “Leave a review” or “Check out our reviews.”

Finally, test the link to ensure it works properly and update your website as needed. By making it easy for customers to access your Google Reviews page, you can increase the likelihood of receiving more positive reviews and improving your overall online presence.

Linking your Google Reviews page to your website can have several benefits for your business, such as:

  • Improving your online reputation: Having positive reviews on your Google My Business page can help build trust with potential customers, and by linking to it from your website, you are making it easier for them to find and read those reviews.
  • Increasing customer engagement: By providing a direct link to your reviews page, you are encouraging customers to leave feedback about their experiences with your business. This can help you better understand your customers’ needs and preferences, and can also help you identify areas where you need to improve.
  • Boosting search engine rankings: Google considers the quantity and quality of reviews when determining search rankings, so having more positive reviews can help improve your website’s visibility in search results.

When adding a link to your Google Reviews page on your website, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Use an anchor text that clearly communicates the purpose of the link, such as “Leave us a review” or “Read our customer reviews.”
  • Place the link in a prominent location on your website, such as the header or footer.
  • Test the link to ensure it works properly and update it as needed.
  • Encourage customers to click on the link by including a call-to-action that invites them to share their feedback.
  • Monitor your reviews regularly and respond promptly to any feedback, positive or negative. This can show customers that you value their opinions and are committed to providing excellent service.

8. Invest in a Reputation Management Platform

Investing in a reputation management platform is an effective way to boost your Google reviews. Reputation management platforms are specifically designed to help businesses monitor and manage their online reputation, including their Google Reviews. These platforms use advanced algorithms and analytics to monitor reviews, track performance, and provide insights into how to improve your reputation.

Some key benefits of investing in a reputation management platform include:

  1. Automated monitoring: Reputation management platforms automatically monitor your Google Reviews, alerting you to new reviews, and providing you with an overview of your online reputation.

  2. Advanced analytics: Reputation management platforms use advanced analytics to track the performance of your Google Reviews, giving you insights into what’s working and what’s not.

  3. Review management tools: Reputation management platforms often include review management tools that make it easier to respond to reviews, manage negative feedback, and encourage customers to leave positive reviews.

  4. Customized reporting: Reputation management platforms provide customized reporting, allowing you to track key performance metrics over time and gain insights into how to improve your online reputation.

  5. Integration with other platforms: Many reputation management platforms integrate with other platforms, such as social media and email marketing tools, making it easier to manage your online presence across multiple channels.

By investing in a reputation management platform, you can take a proactive approach to managing your online reputation and improve your Google Reviews. It’s important to research different platforms and choose one that meets your business needs and budget.

You may want to check out the Amazeful reputation management platform.

9. Provide Service Worthy of Reviews

Providing a high-quality service or product is one of the most effective ways to encourage customers to leave positive reviews on Google. When customers are happy with their experience, they are more likely to take the time to write a review and share their positive experience with others.

Here are some tips to provide a service worthy of reviews:

  1. Offer exceptional customer service: Make sure that your staff is well-trained and provides excellent customer service. Respond promptly and professionally to all customer inquiries and complaints.

  2. Provide excellent customer service: Train your staff to provide excellent customer service, including being friendly, helpful, and responsive to customer needs.

  3. Offer high-quality products or services: Ensure that the products or services you offer are of high quality and meet or exceed customer expectations.Use high-quality materials, test your products regularly, and seek customer feedback to improve your products.

  4. Simplify the customer experience: Make the customer experience as simple and easy as possible. Streamline your checkout process, provide clear instructions and guidelines, and offer support and assistance when needed.

  5. Personalize the customer experience: Try to personalize the customer experience as much as possible, by addressing customers by name, remembering their preferences, and providing personalized recommendations.

  6. Go the extra mile: Go above and beyond for your customers. Offer small tokens of appreciation, such as a discount on their next purchase or a personalized note of thanks. Small gestures can make a big difference in the customer experience.

  7. Listen to your customers: Make sure you listen to your customers and address any concerns or issues they have in a timely manner. Showing that you care about your customers’ satisfaction can go a long way in earning positive reviews.

By providing a high-quality service or product, you can create a positive experience that encourages customers to leave positive reviews on Google. Remember to monitor and respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, as this demonstrates that you value and appreciate customer feedback.

10. How to Setup Google My Business?

To get started with Google Reviews you will need to setup Google My Business. Setting up a Google My Business (GMB) account is a crucial step in managing your online presence and improving your Google Reviews.

To learn how to optimize your Google My Business listing please check this link.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a GMB account:

  1. Sign in to Google: Sign in to your Google account, or create one if you don’t already have one.

  2. Go to Google My Business: Go to the Google My Business website (www.google.com/business) and click “Manage now” to get started.

  3. Add your business: Enter your business name, address, and phone number. If your business has multiple locations, you can add them here as well. If you want to run a service-based business and don’t want to display your physical address please read the section below on how to achieve that.

  4. Select a category: Choose a category that best represents your business. This will help customers find you when searching for businesses in your industry.

  5. Verify your business: Google will need to verify that you are the owner of the business. To get your business listing on Google My Business (GMB) verified and live, you will need to complete the verification process. This can either be a quick phone call or by receiving a postcard in the mail. It’s important to follow the verification method provided to ensure your listing is fully verified and visible to potential customers.

  6. Optimize your profile: Once your business is verified, you can optimize your GMB profile by adding photos, a description of your business, hours of operation, and other relevant information.

  7. Monitor and respond to reviews: Regularly monitor and respond to reviews on your GMB profile, both positive and negative. This shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing excellent service.

By setting up a Google My Business account, you can increase your visibility on Google, improve your online reputation, and encourage customers to leave positive reviews. It’s important to regularly update and optimize your profile, as well as actively manage and respond to reviews.

Hiding your physical address.

If you run a service-based business and don’t want to display your physical address on Google My Business (GMB) but still want to appear on Google Maps in the relevant area, you can hide your address by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to Google My Business and go to the “Info” tab.

  2. Click on the address field and select “Clear address.”

  3. Next, click on the option that says “Yes” when asked if you deliver goods and services to your customers.

  4. Enter the service area or areas that you serve, such as specific zip codes, cities, or regions.

  5. Choose the radius of your service area, if desired.

  6. Click “Apply” to save your changes.

By hiding your address, your business will still appear on Google Maps and search results, but the exact address won’t be visible to the public. This can be useful for businesses that operate from home, or for those that offer services at the customer’s location, such as a plumber or electrician. Remember to keep your service areas updated and accurate, as this will help customers find you more easily.

11. How to optimize your Google My Business listing?

Optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) listing is essential for improving your online presence and attracting more customers. Here are some steps you can take to optimize your GMB listing:

  1. Claim and verify your listing: If you haven’t already done so, claim your GMB listing and verify your business information. This will ensure that your business information is accurate and up-to-date.

  2. Complete your profile: Fill out your GMB profile with accurate and detailed information about your business, including your business name, address, phone number, website, hours of operation, and a description of your business. Also, add high-quality photos and videos to showcase your products or services.

  3. Get more reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews on your GMB listing by providing excellent customer service and asking for feedback. Respond to all reviews, positive or negative, to show customers that you care about their opinions. Alternatively you can use a reputation monitoring platform like Amazeful to automate Google reviews requests.

  4. Use Google Posts: Google Posts allow you to publish updates, promotions, or events directly on your GMB listing. This can help attract more customers and keep your profile up-to-date.

  5. Use keywords: Use relevant keywords in your business description, posts, and reviews to help your GMB listing appear in search results for those terms.

  6. Monitor your insights: Use the insights provided by GMB to track how customers are finding and interacting with your business on Google. This can help you make informed decisions about how to optimize your listing and improve your online presence.

By following these tips, you can optimize your GMB listing and attract more customers to your business.

12. How to Google Reviews FAQ

If you’re looking to increase the number of Google reviews for your business, there are a few effective strategies you can implement. One of the best ways is to encourage customers to leave reviews by following up with them after their visit and asking for their feedback.

This can be done through email or SMS with a link to your Google My Business page to make the process easy for customers, or you can automate the process with a platform like Amazeful. You can also display review requests on your website and social media pages to prompt customers to share their experiences. Offering excellent customer service and a positive experience can also increase the likelihood of receiving positive reviews.

Remember to monitor your reviews regularly and respond promptly to any negative feedback to show your commitment to providing the best experience possible. By implementing these strategies, you can increase your Google reviews and attract more customers to your business.

If you want to boost reviews on Google and increase your online reputation, there are several strategies you can implement.

First and foremost, it’s important to encourage customers to leave reviews by following up with them after their visit and asking for feedback. You can do this through email or SMS and provide a link to your Google My Business page, making it easy for customers to leave a review, or you can automate the process with a platform like Amazeful. Displaying a review request on your website or social media pages can also encourage customers to share their experiences.

To boost reviews, you should also provide excellent customer service and a positive experience, which increases the likelihood of receiving positive reviews.

Finally, monitoring your reviews regularly and responding promptly to any negative feedback is important to show your commitment to providing the best experience possible. By implementing these strategies, you can boost your reviews on Google and attract more customers to your business.

Improving reviews on Google is an important strategy for businesses looking to enhance their online reputation. One effective way to achieve this is by providing excellent customer service and ensuring a positive experience for customers.

Encouraging customers to leave reviews by following up with them after their visit and providing a direct link to your Google reviews page can also help to improve reviews on Google. Displaying a clear and compelling review request on your website or social media pages can also encourage customers to share their experiences. It’s essential to make the process as easy as possible for customers, ensuring they can leave a review with minimal effort.

Monitoring reviews regularly and responding promptly to negative feedback can also show customers that you value their opinions and are committed to providing the best possible experience. By implementing these strategies, you can improve your reviews on Google and build a strong online presence for your business.

If you’re looking to increase your reviews on Google, there are several strategies you can implement. First, ensure you have a complete and accurate Google My Business profile, including updated contact information and business hours. This makes it easy for customers to find and review your business.

Encouraging customers to leave reviews is also crucial. You can do this by following up with customers after their visit and asking them to leave a review via email or SMS with a link to your Google My Business page, or you can automate the process with a platform like Amazeful.

Additionally, you can display a review request on your website or social media pages to encourage customers to share their experiences. Providing excellent customer service and a positive experience can also increase the likelihood of receiving positive reviews.

Finally, respond promptly to any negative feedback to show that you value your customers and are committed to providing the best experience possible. By implementing these strategies, you can increase your reviews on Google and build a strong online presence for your business.

Improving your Google ratings can be achieved through several effective strategies. First and foremost, providing excellent customer service and creating positive customer experiences can increase the likelihood of receiving high ratings.

Encouraging customers to leave reviews by following up with them after their visit and providing a simple and seamless process for leaving reviews can also improve your Google ratings. Responding promptly to negative feedback and addressing any issues can demonstrate your commitment to providing the best experience possible and improving your overall ratings.

Additionally, optimizing your Google My Business profile with accurate and updated information and using relevant keywords can also improve your visibility and increase your ratings. By implementing these strategies and monitoring your online presence regularly, you can improve your Google ratings and attract more customers to your business.

If you’re looking to increase Google Business reviews, several effective strategies should be considered. One approach is to follow up with your customers after their visit and encourage them to leave a review on your Google My Business page. You can do this by sending a link to your page through email or SMS, making it easy for customers to provide feedback, or you can automate the process with a platform like Amazeful.

Another tactic is to provide exceptional customer service and create a positive experience that motivates customers to leave positive reviews. Displaying a short and compelling review request on your website and social media pages can also help you receive more reviews.

Monitoring your reviews regularly and promptly responding to negative feedback demonstrates to customers that you value their experiences and are dedicated to providing excellent service. By implementing these strategies, you can increase your Google Business reviews and attract new customers to your business.

To get better Google reviews, providing excellent customer service and a positive experience to your customers is essential. Happy customers are more likely to leave positive reviews about their experiences.

Another effective strategy is encouraging customers to leave reviews by following up with them after their visit. You can do this through an email or SMS with a link to your Google My Business page, making it easy for customers to leave feedback, or you can automate the process with a platform like Amazeful. Additionally, displaying a short and compelling review request on your website or social media pages can also increase the number of reviews you receive.

Responding promptly to any negative feedback is also crucial, as it shows that you take customer feedback seriously and are committed to addressing any issues. By implementing these tactics, you can get better Google reviews and improve your online reputation, attracting new customers to your business.

The easy way to increase Google reviews

Leverage the power of consumer trust by encouraging your customers to leave reviews on your Google Business listing. It’s a known fact that potential customers trust reviews from strangers just as much as personal recommendations. Make the process of leaving a review as effortless as possible for your customers, and you’ll see an increase in the number of Google business reviews for your business. With more reviews on your listing, you’ll enjoy improved ranking, enhanced reputation, and increased revenue potential. So, don’t hesitate to ask your satisfied customers to leave a review and help attract new business.

To sum it all up, here are the 12 best ways to get more Google reviews:

  1. Make Sure You Have a Google My Business Account
  2. Ask Your Customers for Reviews
  3. Make it Easy to Leave a Review
  4. Automate the Google Reviews Follow-Ups
  5. Address Negative Reviews ASAP
  6. Use QR Codes to Boost Google Reviews
  7. Link Out to Your Google Reviews Page From Your Website
  8. Invest in a Reputation Management Platform
  9. Provide Service Worthy of Reviews
  10. Setup Google My Business
  11. Optimize your Google My Business listing
  12. Google Reviews FAQ


Improving your Google Business reviews can be a straightforward process if the right steps are taken. Customer reviews are crucial for businesses as they have the potential to make or break a customer’s decision to choose you over a competitor. In fact, a difference of even half a star can be the deciding factor.

Additionally, Google reviews are one of the top local SEO ranking factors, making them essential for businesses to improve their online visibility.

In 2023, having positive reviews on Google has become a necessity for businesses, as customers often search for companies on Google or Google Maps. Fresh and positive reviews on Google can significantly help in attracting new customers and promoting your brand. It’s important to note that negative reviews can also have an impact on your business, so it’s essential to address any negative feedback and resolve issues to maintain a positive reputation.

5 Easy Tricks for Google Maps Optimization in 2022

google maps

Google Maps optimization should be a top priority in your marketing strategy if you want to be discovered by new local customers. It is a free tool that can help you stand out from competitors and become the #1 business in your area. But, it is not that easy. Creating a listing on Google Maps is not enough to start receiving bookings and calls from new customers. These benefits are achievable if your listing has strong visibility.

In this article, we’re going to discuss how to create your Google Maps listing and cover the most effective and easy steps to optimize it.

How to get your business listing to rank higher on Google Maps?

Add your business to Google Maps

If you don’t have a business listing on Google Maps follow these steps:

  1. Go to Google Maps and search for your business name.
  2. If your business name does not appear, click ‘Add a missing place to Google Maps’.
  1. Provide information about your business such as place name, category, address, and more. Click ‘Claim this business’.
  1. After that, you will be redirected to Google My Business (GMB) where you can create a Google Business Profile and claim your Google Maps listing. Learn how to create a Google Business Profile here.

Claim your business listing

When your Google Maps listing is ready, it is important to claim it. When you claim your listing, you can provide many more details about your business such as hours of operation, description, pictures, pricing information, and more.

Claiming a Google Maps listing is easy. Once you provide all the information for your Google My Business profile, choose a way to verify your business listing.

Add information about your business

The more information you provide about the business, the higher your Google Maps listing will rank. Try to complete every section in your Google My Business profile to show Google algorithms that your business is active, open, and ready to take on new customers.

The following sections you must complete on your profile:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Website
  • Hours

Also, it is highly recommended to complete these sections to rank higher:

  • Category and attributes
  • Products and services
  • Questions and answers

Add photos

Such simple actions as adding photos can help your Google Maps listing rank higher for 3 reasons:

  1. Adding photos demonstrates to Google that your business is active which positively impacts your ranking.
  2. Google displays photos in local searches, so posting quality photos regularly can increase engagement and attract new customers.
  3. By adding new, beautiful images you show potential customers what exactly you offer and increase trust in your business.

Get Google reviews for Google Maps optimization

It is not a secret that Google loves customer reviews. For that reason, it is important to generate as many positive reviews as possible if you want to rank higher in search results.

Some of your customers may leave reviews on their own, but simply waiting for new reviews without asking for them is not the most effective plan. You need to be proactive and ask for reviews yourself. You will be surprised how many of your satisfied customers will be happy to share their positive experiences. You just need to ask.

The best approach is to automate review generation with the right tool. With Amazeful, you can automate this process and send review requests to all your customers to ensure a higher review conversion. By automating review requests, you can collect and display more positive reviews on Google Maps and increase your rank.

Click here to learn more about review automation with Amazeful or start a 7-days free trial.

Last but not least – don’t just ask for reviews, remember to reply to them. When you reply to reviews, you mitigate the damage of negative reviews and show your prospects that you are attentive to your customers and ready to solve their problems.

20 Review Requests Text Examples To Build Online Reputation

review request

To build a solid online reputation, you should work on your business reviews. They provide valuable insights from current customers and greatly influence potential customers’ purchase decisions. 

Even Google encourages businesses to invite their clients to leave reviews:

You can also find instructions on how to share a link to leave reviews and where to include it:

​​Google wants to convey that review requests are highly important. That’s what encourages customers to review your business. A well-written review request can significantly increase the number of published reviews and help you grow your online reputation much faster. It is one of the essential parts of an online reputation strategy. 

If you don’t have time to send a personal review request to every customer, text message templates are a convenient way to save your time. 

Plus, text messages have a 98% open rate. It is the highest percentage in all outreach forms. 

To make the process easy and seamless, use Amazeful – a reputation management platform that automates your review requests. It allows you to do everything in one place: send review requests, collect all reviews in the dashboard, monitor and analyze your online reputation. If you’re worried about negative feedback, Amazeful sends it to you privately, so you can resolve it before it goes live. 

Want to learn more about Amazeful? Check the pricing and features here.

Not sure how and what to ask in your review request? We got you covered. Use these 20 review request text examples to achieve the best results and higher review response.

Leave us a review

These templates are perfect to increase reviews on specific review sites that matter for your business. 

“Hey, [customer name], thanks for being our customer! Would you please take a moment to share your experience with us? Just go here: {link to review website}. Thank you for your help!”

“Hi, [customer name], thanks for doing business with us! Would you kindly consider leaving us a review? {link to review website}. Appreciate your help!”

“Hi, [customer name]! How do you like your experience with us? Give us your feedback at: {link to review website}. Thank you!”

“Hi, [customer name]! Thanks for choosing us! How did we do today? Please leave us your honest review at: {link to review website}. It helps us get better!”

Rate us on Google

Google is the most popular search engine in the world. These templates will help you gather more reviews on Google and boost your SEO. 

Thanks for being our loyal customer! Your feedback is valuable for us, and we’d really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to submit a Google review about your experience with [company name] {link to Google}.”

“It was great seeing you today, [customer name]! If we met your expectations, it would mean a lot for us if you could share your feedback. Click here [link to Google] to submit a Google review. Appreciate your help.”

“Hi, [customer name]! Thank you for choosing [company name]. It’s our priority to provide top-notch service to customers like you. We would appreciate it if you share your feedback with [company name]. Just go here: {link to review website}.

“Hi, [customer name]! Thank you for doing business with us. We really hope you enjoyed your experience with [company name], but we’d like to know for sure. Share your review about us on Google. Just go here: {link to review website}.”

Review a location

Send these templates after a customer visits your store or clinic. You can use it to thank your customers for a visit while also asking them to leave a review.

“Hello, [customer name]! Thanks for your recent visit to our store. If we provided top-notch service for you today, kindly take a few seconds to leave us a review {link to review website}. See you next time!”

“Thanks for your visit to [company name]! How did we do today? To help us, please take a moment to leave your review. Click here {link to review website} to share your feedback. Thank you!”

“Thank you for your recent visit to [company name]. We hope you loved it! Would you consider posting an online review? This helps us to continue providing great service. You can click this link to share your feedback {link to review website}. Appreciate your help!”

“Hello, [customer name]! We were happy to see you today in [company name]. Reviews help others to learn about us. Would you mind to take a few minutes to leave us a review? Please use this link to share your experience with our company {link to review website}. Thank you for your time!”

Review a product

To attract more product reviews and improve online presence, use these feedback request messages:

Thank you for your purchase! If you’re happy with your shopping experience, please share it with others. Your feedback helps us to provide the best service possible. To leave a review, click on this link {link to review website}. Thank you for your support!”

“Hope your recent purchase with [company name] was successful. We would appreciate it if you leave your thoughts about your recent experience with us. Just click on this link, and it will direct you to the review site {link to review website}. Thank you for your help!”

“Dear [customer name]! We are happy you chose [product name] from us. We are working hard to make our products the best quality possible. We would love to hear your valuable feedback about your purchase. Please click on this link {link to review website} to leave your review.”

“Hi, [customer name]! Thank you for your purchase in our online store! If you’re happy with your [product name] please take a minute to review it here {link to review website}. Thank you for your help and support!”

“Hey, [customer name]! Thanks for your recent purchase. If you don’t mind taking one minute to share your thoughts with others, it would be a big help. Click here to leave your review: {link to review website}.”

Facebook reviews

Facebook continues to be one of the most popular social media platforms. People use it to communicate with friends, but also businesses use it to show advertising and communicate with customers. One of the most popular features that a Facebook Business page offers is the option to showcase customer reviews. Plenty of fresh and positive reviews on Facebook is a great tool to grow your online reputation and attract more prospects. Use the following review requests examples to collect more Facebook reviews:

Hi [customer name]! Thank you for choosing our company. We hope you had a great experience with us! Would you mind reviewing us on our Facebook business page? Here is a link {link}. Your feedback is valuable for us because it helps us to improve our products and services.”

“We enjoyed having you as our client, [customer name]! Please take a moment to share your feedback on our Facebook page. Just click here to leave a review {link}. Thank you.”

“Hi, [customer name]! Were you satisfied with your purchase in [company name]? If so, please consider sharing your review with others. Please use this link to review our business on Facebook: {link}.”

“Thanks for shopping with us, [customer name]! Did you enjoy your visit? If you liked it, please leave us your honest review on our Facebook page: {link}. See you next time!”

Experiment with different review requests

There are no standards about how to ask for a review correctly. Use examples from this article and check what’s working the best for your business. 

The most important thing is to ask for customers’ feedback and work on your online reputation. It is the right way to grow your business and attract new customers. 

Make this process effortless with Amazeful reputation management platform. Automation on the platform allows you to collect online reviews faster and save your time for other business processes. Check the details here.

How To Attract More Customers To Your Local Business?

local business

Customer acquisition might not be the easiest task, but it’s something your business needs to thrive. Clients are the basis of any business, giving you revenue and brand awareness. Even if you build up a loyal customer base, new customers are key to scaling the business for the long term. You can’t always depend on repeat customers because they can move away or do less spending one day. 

Whether you’re a new business or have been working for years, the following tips might be helpful to get more customers and increase sales. Let’s dive into the details.

Build a mobile-friendly website

Bringing new customers starts with building your visibility online. A mobile-friendly site is the foundation of your online visibility. 

What does mobile-friendly actually mean?

It means displaying a different ‘version’ of your website to visitors viewing your site from mobile in order to give them a better experience. It’s known that 70% of the whole web is on mobile-first indexing. In terms of SEO, it means that Google indexes the mobile version of your site instead of the desktop one. 

So if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, it won’t see high rankings. 

You can quickly test your site’s current mobile friendliness using Google’s free tool.

Create a Google My Business listing 

Google My Business is a free online business listing. Claiming your Google My Business profile means you’ll show up in Google maps and Google search results. Google is the most used search engine globally, and nearly half of searches are for local businesses.

Why does it matter?

The more complete your business listing is, the higher you will rank in relevant search results. Businesses that claim a Google My Business profile typically receive more clicks and are more likely to attract new customers to their physical location. Besides, Google listing ensures your clients see the correct information about your business when searching for you. 

Collect more reviews 

It’s already proven that customer reviews win attention and new clients. Statistics show that the greater part of customers use reviews to determine what products or services to purchase. 

At the same time, many customers distrust businesses with ratings below four stars, and companies with higher average ratings are more likely to see traffic converted to sales. 

Asking clients to leave a review can be a winning marketing strategy for your local business. 

How to engage customers to leave a review?

  • Create an email sequence to follow up with customers and gather writeups about their experience
  • Engage with customers face-to-face and ask for a review in person 
  • Write a short and eye-catching review request on your menu or list of services 

If you’re looking for a more convenient and time-saving solution, try the reputation management platform. It helps you automate gaining customer reviews. Businesses that automate review requests can often double or triple the review volume. 

Amazeful sends an automated email or SMS review request to your clients with a link to leave their feedback on review sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.

It’s not only an automation solution, but it also helps you deal with negative reviews, analyze your online reputation and improve customer experience. 

Click here to request a demo.

How To Ask Clients For Google Reviews?

A clear understanding of how to get reviews on Google is essential for any business’s success. It’s a perfect way to boost search engine optimization, attract new customers and build loyalty. 

How do you get reviews on Google? Have you ever asked this question? For many businesses, it is a manual process. It takes time and requires patience. But there is an easier, faster, and automated way to get more customer Google reviews.

This article will help you understand how to start asking for Google reviews painlessly and grow your online reputation. 

We will discuss:

  • Why should you ask for Google reviews?
  • How to set up Google My Business to start asking for reviews?
  •  How to ask customers for Google Reviews?

Why should you ask for Google reviews?

  1. Google reviews greatly influence customer behavior. The majority of people read online reviews when they choose a service or a product. The first place they go is Google. If most of your reviews are positive, then more potential clients are likely to choose your business. For this reason, most business owners want to know how to increase google reviews.
  2. Google ranks businesses with fresh and qualified reviews higher in local search. It gives your business credibility and engages more customers. 
  3. Reviews help you understand which areas of your business work well and which need improvement. Not all reviews are fair, but some of them can provide you with valuable information on how to improve your customer experience. Besides, with the Google review management solution, you can easily manage negative feedback and deal with it before it is published on review sites. 

How to set up Google My Business to start asking for reviews?

To start receiving more Google business reviews, you need to set up a Google My Business account. It lets you show up in search results when people are looking for your company online. 

Follow these steps to create and claim your account:

  1. Go to Google My Business.
  2. Click ‘Manage now.’
  3. Provide the basic information about your business (business name, address, website, phone number, etc.).
  4. Request to claim your business. You can do this by locating your Business profile on Google Maps or Google search and requesting to claim it.
  5. Provide information that Google will ask to verify ownership of the business.

 How to ask customers for Google Reviews?

How to request a google review? A question that worries any business owner. You can find dozens of online articles that tell you how to ask for reviews manually and when and how to ask for customer feedback. All these methods are worth trying, but they don’t guarantee you a regular flow of fresh reviews and take time. When you use Amazeful – a google review management software, you spend your time more effectively and get more positive reviews using an automation solution. 

How to ask for a google review with Amazeful?

Your customer will be sent an automated email or SMS to review your business. It is a perfect automation solution to get more reviews posted online, increasing your visibility and attracting more clients. If a customer overlooks your review request, he will be sent a review reminder for a greater conversion rate.

Why does your business need a Google reputation management platform?

1. To save your time

As a business owner, the last thing you have time for is managing review sites and asking for customer feedback. You can hire a person who will do this work for you, but having a google review automation will be cheaper and much more effective for your online reputation. 

2. To improve your online reputation on Google

People make decisions about purchases fast – only with one Google search. If your reviews are positive, you’ve likely to attract a new client. If most of them are negative or you have only a few reviews posted on Google, your potential client will move on to your competitor. With Amazeful, you can easily manage your negative reviews. Once you receive a negative review, it will be sent to you privately, and you can find the solution for the client’s problem offline. This way, your negative reviews won’t be posted online, ensuring a greater online reputation on Google. 

3. To get more reviews posted on Google 

With the GMB reviews management solution, you won’t be askingHow to get more Google reviews?’. Once a new client appears in your customer list, he will be sent a review request to share his experience with your business. This way, you will cover all your existing customers, and new reviews will be automatically posted on Google. The more reviews you have posted, the better for your business. You rank higher on Google, get more clients, and your business grows.

4. To make the process convenient for your client 

It is essential to make the process of review requests convenient for your client. If the process is hard, long, and requires hundreds of steps, you probably won’t receive a new google my business review. Amazeful makes this process as simple as possible. A few clicks and you get a new review posted on Google. 

Try Amazeful today – click here for our latest specials. 

How to Become the #1 Real Estate Business In Your Area

Before the digital era, people asked friends and family if they could recommend a trusted real estate agent. Today the opinion of others is still important, but now customers go online to find a person who will sell them a dream house. Searchers visit real estate review sites and decide what realtor will be the perfect match for them based on ratings and reviews. 

Purchasing a house or an apartment is one of the biggest financial decisions in people’s life. For this reason, your prospects want to be sure that your real estate business is trustworthy and you have experience selling many properties. 

How to become a credible real estate agent and the #1 in your area? Read this article to know. 

Step №1 Register on the review sites

Now more than ever, it’s important to get Google reviews. The first thing your prospects will do is go to Google and search for a real estate agent. To ensure potential clients can find you, go to Google My Business and register a free business profile. It allows you to show up on search results, and your existing clients will be able to review your business on Google. 

Sites like Google or Yelp are an absolute must but don’t forget about niche-specific sites that highly-qualified prospects visit too. For example, you can register your account on Zillow – a specifically designed platform for real estate. Your customers can rate you as an agent and share their reviews. 

You can also register with Realtor.com and Rate My Agent. 

Step №2 Start asking your existing clients for reviews.

Once your profiles on review sites are ready – start asking your clients for reviews! Online reviews are the main ingredient for your business growth. 

  • The more positive reviews you get, the more likely prospects will choose you as their agent.
  • Reviews increase trust and credibility. It means that you will get more leads that can convert into customers.
  • You will rank higher and more people will find you. Google rewards businesses that have frequent and positive reviews. 

How to ask for reviews?

Let’s start with the classical ways:

  • Ask in person after the closed deal
  • Create ‘leave a review’ cards
  • Send emails with review requests to your clients 
  • Send message review requests to your clients 
  • Ask for reviews on your social media accounts

These ways work well, but they can be time and energy-consuming for you. 

An alternative and more convenient way is a reputation management platform. With Amazeful, you can automate review requests and generate more online reviews. 

What are the main advantages?

  1. You save your time. Amazeful sends automated review requests (via email or message) to your customers and review reminders to increase the conversion rate.
  2. It connects with any review website that matters for you, such as Google, Yelp, Zillow, Realtor.com, and more.
  3. You will get more positive reviews posted. It will increase conversions and engage more prospects. 

Get an automated solution for your online reputation at a reasonable price. Click here for the details.

Step №3 Respond to reviews. 

Google confirms that responding to reviews improves your local SEO. When you respond to customers’ reviews frequently and quickly, it guarantees a better ranking. 

Amazeful has a great feature that notifies you every time a new review comes in. It lets you respond to every review instantly, which is good for local SEO. 

Besides, a fast response to the review is a reliable indicator of excellent customer service. Google says that businesses that respond to reviews are 1.7 more trustworthy than those that don’t. 

Review responses make a good impression on everyone who reads it. Don’t ignore this step if you want to become an established real estate agent in your area. 

Step №4 Manage negative reviews. 

It’s essential to reply to both positive and negative reviews. A recent survey shows that 33% of customers who left a negative review turned it positive after getting a response. And 34% simply deleted negative reviews.

So, if a negative review is already published – don’t ignore it and try to solve customer complaints. Amazeful can help you to prevent more negative reviews posted online. Our system captures and sends negative reviews to you privately, so you can deal with them offline before they’re published on review sites. 

Remember that negative reviews can benefit your business a lot. With the help of negative feedback, you learn how to improve your business and provide a better customer experience. 

Final Thoughts

There are many marketing tools that real estate businesses may need, but if you don’t have a review marketing strategy – you don’t cover a large customer market. 

The tactics we discussed in this article will help you grow your online reputation and become a trustworthy business. 

Start getting positive reviews with Amazeful and show the world that you have plenty of satisfied customers!

How can Amazeful help you get more reviews?

Your business reputation will never improve if you don’t work on generating more online reviews. They can boost your local SEO, increase credibility in your business and get more revenue. People always turn to reviews to claim the quality of the services or products. Shop reviews, restaurant ratings, movie reviews, hotel reviews – the list can be endless. It is essential for us because we want to ensure we choose the best quality on the market. For this reason, online reviews should be an essential part of your marketing strategy. 

This article will be helpful for you if you are:

  • A business owner looking for ways to grow business and increase revenue
  • A service provider or agency looking for ways to provide online reputation services for your clients

So, how to collect customer reviews?

The majority of articles suggest simply asking your current customers to leave a review. It sounds easy, but based on our clients’ feedback, businesses don’t regularly ask for reviews because doing it manually and asking each client for review is time-consuming and challenging. 

The key for efficient review generation is making it comfortable, easy, and quick both for you and your customers. You can achieve this with Amazeful, a reputation management platform that automates the entire process of gaining customer reviews. 

How can Amazeful help you collect customer testimonials?

The Amazeful platform makes the process as easy as possible with the help of automation

Amazeful integrates with your CRM or website to sync your customer database and start sending automated review requests right away. You can select when and how the review request will be sent to your client. It can be sent immediately (once a new customer appears in the database) or in a few hours. Sometimes clients can miss your review requests because of tens of emails and SMS they get every day. In this case, you can send a follow-up invitation and remind a client about yourself in a friendly way. 

This process is simple, easy to set up, and beneficial for any business. 

  • You use the magic of automation and don’t waste time asking the customer to leave a review manually
  • It increases the number of new reviews posted each month. Your business will grow and get more revenue
  • Review reminders ensure a higher chance to get more 5-star reviews for your business

It’s an excellent solution for business owners and marketing agencies who want to grow their clients’ businesses.  Amazeful also provides white-label online reputation services. You can manage all of your clients from one powerful, white-labeled dashboard branded with your company name and logo. Check the details of our reputation management reseller program here.

automated review requests

Amazeful integrates with sites that are important for your business

When it comes to reviews, the platform where they are posted matters. Amazeful integrates with tens of review websites that your potential customers regularly visit to check your business reputation. You can choose where to send customers to leave a review when you set up follow-up automation.

The most popular place for posting reviews is Google. It has 86.9 billion total monthly visits. So having automated google reviews posted means more potential clients will choose your business. 

Having more reviews has other benefits, such as a higher ranking for local SEO, a big credibility boost, and better online exposure.

Amazeful integrates both with review sites and social media platforms. Working on Facebook reputation management has huge benefits for your business:

  • Boost credibility
  • Increase organic reach
  • Get new clients with the power of positive reviews

 With the help of Amazeful, you can post reviews on the most popular social media platform and build transparent communication with existing and new clients. 


 Having a regular flow of fresh online reviews gives you a huge advantage and helps you be ahead of your competitors. However, it is almost impossible to do it effectively without an automation solution.

Amazeful can do this work for you and manage all the stages of review generation. Using Amazeful streamlined review request process, you will follow up all your customers and get the reviews your business needs.

 Check the effectiveness of Amazeful reputation management today – Click here for our latest specials.

The Power of Customer Reviews for Your Dental Clinic

Today, 77% of patients go online to search out and read online reviews of dental clinics. Potential clients want to learn about the dental practice and read other patients’ experiences before deciding which dentist to visit. Therefore getting customer reviews online has become crucial if you want to be chosen among competitors. 

The more reviews you have, the more recognizable your dental practice will seem online. After all, a potential client searching for a dentist in his area is more likely to choose a business with over 50 five-star reviews than a business with just two reviews. 

The good news is, from the recent survey, 74% of customers who were asked to provide feedback, 68% were willing to do it. So don’t hesitate when asking patients to leave a review because most of them will be happy to help you out. 

What are the main benefits of online reviews for a dental clinic?

  1. You will rank higher on Google Maps and Google Searches
  2. High star ratings increase conversions
  3. Reviews build customer trust
  4. The feedback received helps you improve your practice 
  5. It’s a cost-effective way to get more clients

How to get more online reviews from the patients? 

1. Google reviews are the backbone of any local marketing strategy. If you want your clients to leave reviews on Google, the first thing that needs to be done is to optimize your Google My Business listing. Google My Business helps businesses manage their online presence across search engines.  

Basically, it’s a source of verified information about your dental clinic, including location, opening hours, prices, and reviews from patients. 

Follow these steps to set up your Google My Business listing:

  • The first thing you need to do is visit https://www.google.com/business/  
  • Create/Claim Your Google My Business Page
  • Verify your business by phone call or email
  • Add the finishing touches (website, phone number, opening hours, photos, appointment URL, etc.

2. The most engaging way to get reviews from your patients is by asking them face-to-face after the dental procedure. Ask your сlient how their experience was and if they don’t mind leaving a review.

3. If you find it hard to get your patients to leave you a review after you ask them, there are alternative ways to simplify this task. Inexpensive reputation management platforms like Amazeful can help your business generate more reviews and save time.

What are the main advantages of using a reputation management platform?

  1. It’s a fully automated process, so you don’t have to spend time asking each client for a review. In addition, the platform can integrate with your patients’ management system and automatically send email or SMS survey requests. 
  2. You can redirect your patients to leave reviews on other sites besides Google like Facebook, Yelp, or any review site that matters for your business.
  3. You can manage your negative feedback offline and deal with the issues before they escalate.
  4. You get in-depth reporting of your online reputation to analyze and find ways to improve patients’ experience. 

Positive reviews can help you build strong relationships with existing patients and attract new ones.

Considering that clients tend to trust online reviews as much as they would a personal recommendation from a friend, it’s a time to use reviews to your advantage.

Worried about finding time to get more online reviews? Start 7 days free trial with Amazeful!

How To Increase Online Sales For A Local Business?

The Internet has become a significant strength nowadays. It is used to purchase products, find places to eat, communicate with friends, and book holidays. If a person is going to buy something online, he will first Google it and go through the result pages before choosing the right seller. Therefore, being present online in search engines is crucial for any company, including local businesses.

If you see a decline in your sales, it’s time to refresh your online strategy. Here is a working strategy for local businesses that intend to increase online sales.

Get listed on Google My Business

Google My Business is a free tool that allows you to manage your online presence across Google Search and Maps. When someone looks up your business name or a related term, he’ll easily find all the necessary information about your company. Google requires you to provide the business name, location, and category. Once Google confirms your Business profile, it is open to customers to leave reviews, add photos and ask questions. 

What are the main Google My Business benefits?

  1. Your business will show up in Google Maps searches and boost sales.
  2. By showing up in local searches, businesses on Google My Business are 70% more likely to attract potential customers for in-store location visits.
  3. Google My Business lets you rank higher in Google search.
  4. Increase engagement with your brand. People can easily visit your website or call you with just one click. 

Ask your customers to review your business

90% of people read reviews before making a purchase. 63% indicate they are more likely to buy from a site that has product ratings. Asking your happy customers to review your business on Google or any

other site that matters can significantly increase sales and engage new clients. Point your customer to one or two websites where the majority of your reviews are being seen. 

How to ask for reviews?

The most convenient way that saves your time will be using the reputation management service. It helps fully automate gaining customer reviews, so you can spend your time improving other business processes. 

How does it work?

  1. The customer receives an automated email or message to review your business.
  2. Once the message is received, the client is directed to review your business on Google, Facebook, or any other review site.

The platform has in-depth reporting that lets you analyze online feedback, manage negative reviews, send review reminders, and more. For more information and features, visit this page.

Increase social media presence

Millions of people are scrolling their feed every day to discover new content and interact with brands and companies. If you want to attract more potential clients, you need to work on your social media presence. 

Social media platforms can increase traffic to your website. When you promote content on social media, people who are already interested in your company can visit your site in one click. Gaining some extra traffic is a working method to rank higher in Google search and be chosen by more customers. 

Besides, you can build trust with existing customers, understand their needs, and increase loyalty with social media. Take the opportunity to:

  • Ask your audience questions
  • Respond to the comments
  • Post relevant content
  • Create a community 


As a local business, you always need to find a way to stand out from competitors. Take a close look at your marketing strategy and ask yourself if it’s generating the results you’re looking for. If not, it might be time to try new approaches to promoting your business. Use this guide as a reference to refresh your online strategy.